A női dimenzió - 2021/Tél - I. évfolyam 1. szám

Editor’s Foreword

It is my pleasure to present our first issue, the result of the enthusiastic efforts of many of us on this special day. In line with our concept and goals, we have tried to set foot on the boundary between eras, as we wish to be a crystallising point in the chaos that seems to be increasing in our world. A point that neither denies the past nor escapes from the future, one that brings relief and harmony and is outside of zones of influence.

We consider this chaos as being nothing else but birth delivery pains. The world is in labour as we have arrived at the boundary points of several factors that determine human existence, and overstepping these points directly endangers survival in the traditional sense. What has so far been the case cannot be continued and what is about to come is unprecedented. In this situation an extreme clash of interests, the turbulence of passions and often-blind ideology make a growth of extremist opinions come as a natural consequence.

We do not want to dispute that we see the problem of the world as the problem of womanhood and the nature of womanhood is characterised not by seeking confrontation but by reception. Nevertheless, we do have a concept and our conception is not without principles but should serve and be in the sign of life – and the only sign in which a woman can stand is that of life.

We cannot ignore the increasing fear and anxiety that arises from the perception that technology is becoming a determining factor of existence. We are not afraid of technology, albeit we consider that all hopes that tie the solution to any material issue to technology to an illusion. At the same time, we wish to call attention to the simple fact that, in the written history of humankind, womanhood has never had a strong tie to technology. In this sense we are talking about at least half of humankind, the half that is the foundation of the recreation of life and it would therefore be difficult to see ourselves as being lost in utter ineptitude while the other half see the future as oracles.

Let technology also come! Alas, it is the conjunction of the stars of this day that NASA has identified this day as the most suitable for the launching of the epoch-making James Webb space telescope, and we will give a first-hand account of this launch in our next issue.

Science expects a lot of from events. If not the future, they wish to enter the past through them with no doubt about their success. The history of the cosmos is read from the light that started billions of years ago. If not in the data then in the phenomenon. However, as we do not believe that any beam of light could have a richer meaning than man who stands at the Earth-end of the telescope, we are satisfied by finding delight in man.

Life has a drama that cannot be bypassed as through that we would bypass life. We have allied to give a report of this drama in the diversity in which is manifested in existence and is articulated in the different areas of culture. We believe that the quality of articulation can place reality among virtualities at least as one alternative.

Gyöngyi Major