Forum for Contemporary Women’s Reflections

The Forum for Contemporary Women’s Reflections was established in 2017 after a long period of preparation. It has organized activity focusing on five areas:
– scientific research,
– cultural activity,
publication of the online magazine, The female dimension – Femme Harmone and other publications,
– online galéria,
– software development.


The activities of the FCWR are motivated by the defining challenges of the present, as a turning point for humanity. On the one hand, we observe with concern the increasing danger of losing balance and the need to reinterpret sustainability, and on the other hand, we turn with great interest in the direction of the opening future, in the unfolding competences of which technologies can undoubtedly play a positive role, as long as a person is able in the entirety of his or her identity - female and male – to remain a subject of an existing environment dominated by AI.

In the broadest context, the problem of sustainability can be traced back to the female-male balance, and as a result, we mark as one of the pivotal points of sustainability the over writing of the aspiration which, under the title of "quotas", paradoxically gives fewer and fewer chances for the manifestation of women, femininity, and feminine attitudes. Amid the tension of value realizations, we think it is essential to fully depict the self-identity experience of female identity.

We attach particular importance to the balancing and harmony-creating role of femininity, which was important in the past as well, but is absolutely indispensable in the vision of the future with a human face. Our activity is aimed at the conceptual exploration of the past and its scientific interpretation, which can be used to clarify the process in which the female character and female functions can move from a cultural under representation to a division of social roles that harmonizes with real functionality. We interpret Hungarian tradition as a special treasure trove, in which the respect for women, which has ancient roots and continues to this day, opens up a space for the interpretation of femininity that other cultures do not have a similar opportunity for.

The FCWR's creed is that the rich Hungarian metaphysical tradition and national culture are definitely a sufficient source for both continuity and the construction of a new social myth. Nevertheless, the key to the survival and success of the national concept depends much more on the creativity that can make the peculiarities of Hungarian culture functional in the global sphere of artificial intelligence, and it is precisely by exercising creativity that the nation can keep the nation functioning with living social organizing potential.

The FCWR sees it as its task, in part, to continuously uncover the discourses of the cult of women in the most generally interpretable Hungarian cultural heritage, the actualization of which can move the changing world in the direction of sustainability by shaping the social value consciousness of the new world order, while at the same time the knowledge and manifestation of the functioning of women's attitudes as a specific innovation potential can become interpretable.

We would like to fit our expected essential results into the further art communication and epistemological directions that are the 21st century. The possibilities of the positioning of Hungary in the new world emerging in the 20th century are strengthened.

The female dimension – our magazine, Femme Harmone approaches the current challenges of women's issues, culture and society in a unique way. As carriers of Christian European values dating back to the Middle Ages, through the spiritual and sacred images of the Hungarian cult of women, Hungarian women represent specific models arising from their situation, and their social role goes beyond the "traditional" models. This is the social organizing force, and the presentation of the research in a popularizing form can be the social benefit of the work planned by the editors. At the same time, with female creative expressions and the maximum use of the possibilities of digital content production, we want to broaden the fields of knowledge along the lines of artistic, non-linear, none exclusively cause-and-effect logic, in addition to exact, machine and mechanical knowledge acquisition competencies.

FCWR's hope is that in the period called the geo-moment, the dynamics of the ambitions appearing in our magazine, which focuses on women, may be able to carry out the appropriate innovation at the level of the requirements of the age, with which we can become part of Hungary's actual long-term viability/competitiveness. We are confident that the local renaissance created in the network system will be a prominent element of the future election.

The new idea of sustainability has already moved away from the possibility of managing material/physical crisis phenomena with material/physical means, and rather seeks solutions in the interpretation of new paradigms in a mental, spiritual, and evenspiritual context. In the era of AI, the new concept of sustainability presupposes new nationalization strategies with radically different contents and forms, which means that instead of the functional interpretation of the nation, the substantive approach becomes much more real/viable. In this sense, it is important to emphasize that the new nationalizational brings back and actualizes the Hungarian national consciousness that transcends space and time.

With our work, above all, we try to reveal the main coordinates of the change, emphasizing that we want to identify aspects for further research along which the concept of the nation can be reconsidered, in the interpretation of a fractal type of organization. Paradoxically, the reality of AI forces a redefinition of the image of identity by making the mode of self-learning a geo-political issue. The challenge of the substantial identity picture is tied to a change in thinking.

The FCWR wishes to designate new directions of interpretation at the various levels of the organizations, while examining the female character as a possible framework for interpretation and representing it with works of art. The starting point of the KNRF was that the proportional manifestation of the female character is the condition for the operation of a sustainable social and economic model that can be interpreted in harmony with the cosmic whole, and consequently the goal of the KNRF is to explore and present the pattern of the "Eternal Woman" metaphor as widely as possible. We consider exploratory work and its public articulation necessary, especially with regard to the definition of new sustainable balance models. All those who visit our website can get an impression of the complexity with which we make a unique and gap-filling attempt to display and interpret the reality of the present, and to positively influence the possible scenarios of the future.


Address: Váci út 165./56., Budapest, Hungary, 1138
Taxnumber: 18900527-1-41
Bank account: MKB 10300002-10692862-49020016 HUF
Court registration number: 01-02-0016477

Dr. Gyöngyi Major

Prof. Dr. Mária Prokopp
honorary president, head of the Regina Gisela research group

Dr. Zsuzsanna J. Újváry
scientific director

Dr. Kamilla Detréné Lombay
honorary president of the Balázs Júlia Műhely research group

Gábor Sziráky
art director

Gábor Ale